this is my speech about how to be a good entreprenour 
Many times ago before we were born in the world, people have known entrepreneur. Let me show you how entrepreneur in the past is? Has Anyone here already known about it? In the Past, people only know entrepreneurship in a very simple way. Why? Because they need it to fulfill their needs, they went to somewhere and bring their goods in order to exchange it to another one, just it. But now we can’t define entrepreneurship as well as what people used to know in the past.
            At this moment, with following the economic growth, our president Ir. JokoWidodo has signed the trade cooperation with other countries. What does it means? It means that by opening free trading sector will make the middle to the biggest foreign companies easy to compete with Indonesian companies. This is our responsibility to prepare them. Because we life in the serious competion era right now, there are only two choices,Are we going to be the winner or just ended up being a loser who will only watch the other countries getting even bigger, so which one would want to be? Of course you want to choose the first choice.
            For doing that we need persons who have good quality of skills to be ready compete on it. As we realize that, every years the university always graduating their student. And most of them only want to be an employeein a company. It’s good, but it will be better that they can change their mindset to be entrepreneur. Actually it will give them more advantages and the important thing is they can be a boss. I am sure that getting a job is not easy right? That is why changing from on a company to become an entrepreneur is the one important thing you should do.
Well, there is some strategies to prepare how to be a good entrepreneur, they are :
1.      Knowing your self
Knowing your self become important for understanding what are your ability. So, it can be the mainkey for starting up your business. I want to give some example from Harlan Senders,he was becoming success personin his 40 by creating fried chicken with special flavor called KFC. He decided to resign from his job and tied to develop his own business until it's well-known by all people around the world. Sender is good on understanding himself and now he becomes one of the success entrepreneur in the world. So try to understand your ability start from now.
2.      SWOT Analysis
This is the strategic planning technique used to help a person identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related to business competitions.
a.       Strengths
All the condition and situation in a company are strength. Every company should identify their strengths and weaknesses and compared it with other competitor. For example, if  company strength in on the technologies, they can used it to compete in the market who need a great technologies and progress quality.
b.      Weaknesses
Identify the weakness in a company is the serious constrain on progressing.
c.       Opportunity
All the conditions outside the company also give the opportunity for the future. This way is looking for the opportunity that probably company can develop in the future.
d.      Threats
The last is threats, used identify the threats that should be faced by company to solve unlucky environment problems. Because it could decrease  the company if they do not prevent it as quickly as possible.
3.      Mastering the technologies
By opening Free trading sector we have to mastering technologies which grow quickly. Human activities getting developed as the global growth including entreprenourhip. There are many success company has used great technologies like internet. They can easily expand their business. Therefore, it’s the important way to be success become an entrepreneur.
4.      Praying to God
You can’t leave this one, because human’s life depend on our God. So if you have try your maximal effort the last step you should do is praying to the God. May Allah always be with us and give the best for us.
Well, happy audiences

Before closing my speech I will deliver a message to you all “we are same as human created by God with mind and brain, if they can be a success person, why we cant ? With great power comes great responsibility.” 


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